Be Audacious
The second A of the 3 A’s of Mindset is to Be Audacious, but what does that mean?
First, let’s start with a definition of Audacity.
- Extremely bold or daring
- Fearless
- Extremely original or daring
- Lively
- Uninhibited
Some synonyms include
- Courageous
- Dauntless
As I was speaking with my Team about being Audacious, it was in the context of being more bold than they’d ever been before.
It’s a time to step out of your comfort zone because that’s where you can experience the most growth both personally and professionally.
Every year and even every day is a new opportunity to start. Don’t dwell about the past, and don’t dwell on bad scenarios in your head that may or may not happen. Start where you are! What do you really want and what are you prepared to do to achieve it?
Be bold; think bigger than you ever have, and know that you can achieve whatever you want.
Now this doesn’t mean be reckless, and I work in a highly regulated industry so it certainly doesn’t mean cut corners.
What it does mean is to be confident in what you are doing, and know that you are not only bringing great value to others, but you are also helping them make the right decision that will serve them best (in a confident, yet selfless manner).
Know your industry, your craft, your product or service, and know that you are there to help someone else. Be bold and own the moment, the opportunity, and actually help someone; even if that means that the right solution may not be you.
Approach each day with the mindset of I get to help someone, not that I have to do something or be somewhere.
Helping and serving others is a privilege; own it!